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AICE, which stands for Advanced International Certificate of Education is a set of challenging college-level classes for high school students. It was developed by Cambridge Assessment, a department of the University of Cambridge in England.

AICE was designed to give students the option to pursue a more rigorous and ambitious curriculum by teaching you key skills to succeed in college-level work. At the same time, AICE classes and the diploma structure are flexible enough to let you tailor the coursework to your interests and strengths.

Besides the academic and intellectual appeal of learning in greater depth, AICE lets you earn an advanced diploma to boost your college application. In addition, it can potentially get you college credit or place you out of introductory college coursework as a college freshman.

Please view the presentation below to learn more about the Cambridge AICE program at East Lee County High School.


On top of its emphasis on flexible class offerings and its potential to strengthen your college application, AICE has several financial benefits as well. AICE classes and exams are free for students - your school pays all the fees for this program.

For students in Florida, an AICE Diploma is a great way to secure some college money. If you earn the diploma and complete 100 hours of community service, then you automatically qualify for the Florida Academic Scholars Award from the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program.

How do I earn the AICE Diploma?

To earn the AICE Diploma you will be required to pass Global Perspectives along with six AICE Exams, for a total of seven.  One must be from each of the major groups.

  • Global Perspectives is required by all

  • At least one exam passed from each group 1, 2, and 3.

    • Group 1: Mathematics and Science

    • Group 2: Languages

    • Group 3: Arts and Humanities

    • Group 4: Interdisciplinary and skills-based subjects - maximum of two allowed

Use the AICE Diploma Planning Guide and AICE Course Progression to plan and track your progress.

Cambridge AICE Diploma qualification

The Cambridge AICE Diploma is a group certificate which requires learners to study a compulsory core subject, Cambridge AS Level Global Perspectives & Research, with Cambridge AS & A Level subjects drawn from three curriculum areas: mathematics and science (Group 1), languages (Group 2), and arts and humanities (Group 3). There is the option to study interdisciplinary subjects (Group 4).

We hold Cambridge International AS & A Level exam series twice a year, in June and November. Results are issued in August and January. In India only, we offer a March exam series with results issued in May.

Cambridge AICE Diploma Credits

To achieve the Cambridge AICE Diploma, learners must achieve a minimum of seven credits (including Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research) from subject groups 1, 2, and 3 (and optionally Group 4) to be awarded the Diploma. Learners must achieve at least one credit from each of Groups 1, 2 and 3.

The remaining credits can come from any of the groups. A Cambridge International AS Level is awarded one credit, and a Cambridge International A Level is awarded two credits.

Learners who pass the Cambridge International A Level in Global Perspectives & Research meet the compulsory requirement of the core group and also have one credit which may then be included in Group 4 to contribute to the overall requirement of seven credits.

Learners counting Cambridge International A Level Global Perspectives & Research towards their Diploma may also use one outcome either from English General Paper (at AS Level only) or Thinking Skills (at AS or A Level). In this case, the use of Cambridge International A Level Thinking Skills in addition to Cambridge International A Level Global Perspectives & Research is allowed, even though this will exceed the two credit limit for Group 4. This is only allowed where this combination gives a learner their best overall outcome.


Cambridge International A Level uses a wide range of assessment processes and techniques to supplement formal written examinations – orals, practicals, projects and coursework of various types are all used in various subjects where they are the most effective and appropriate means of measuring attainment.

Cambridge International A Level subjects are graded from A* to E. Cambridge International AS Level subjects are graded A to E. There is no A* grade awarded at Cambridge International AS Level. The Cambridge AICE Diploma is awarded on a points system, so each grade is converted to a number of points as shown in the table below.

Grade A* is awarded 140 points, however the maximum number of Cambridge AICE Diploma points is capped at 420.

Aice Table

Learners who meet the requirements of the group award will receive a Cambridge AICE Diploma at one of three levels: Pass, Merit or Distinction. The level awarded is based on the overall Cambridge AICE Diploma score.

  • Cambridge AICE Diploma with Distinction: awarded to students with a score of 360 points or above. The maximum Diploma score is 420 points.
  • Cambridge AICE Diploma with Merit: awarded to students with between 250 and 359 points.
  • Cambridge AICE Diploma at Pass level: awarded to students with between 140 and 249 points.

Learners who do not meet the requirements of the group award will receive certificates for their individual subjects.

2025 exam 1


2025 exam 2

Are You a Good Fit for Cambridge?

  • Are you an avid reader?
  • Do you complete assignments thoroughly and on time?
  • Can you work without constant monitoring by a teacher or a parent?
  • Can you be assigned large blocks of work and be relied upon to complete them?
  • Do you learn from mistakes?
  • Are you curious about academic pursuits in general?
  • Are you willing to commit to taking the most rigorous curriculum ELCHS offers?

If you have answered YES to the above questions, you should consider applying for the ELCHS Cambridge AICE Program!

Still have questions about the Cambridge AICE Program?

Check out the AICE FAQ document!

Questions about the ELCHS Cambridge AICE Program

Cambridge Coordinator: Ms.Elizabeth Lepore
Email: [email protected] 

Cambridge AICE Diploma Eligibility Requirements:

  • Unweighted cumulative GPA > 3.00
  • Level 3 or higher on most recent FSA ELA and Math assessments

Attention incoming students, if you are interested in attending our school through the AICE/Cambridge program, please complete this form.

  • Applications accepted January 21 to February 2nd, 2025; submit the Advanced Program application directly to the school.  Email the completed application to Elizabeth Lepore at [email protected].
  • Choice Application (Submission Receipt) is required to be included with the Advanced Program application.
  • IF student is already enrolled in a district high school provide proof of current school of enrollment from FOCUS account as receipt.
  • Students receiving a sibling assignment for 2023 may include the FOCUS enrollment as receipt.

Download the application here!

Application Process (English)
Application Process (Spanish)
Application Process (Creole)


Here is the link for our districtā€™s Application video tutorial for families: YouTube Video 

Cambridge Transcript Request Form

It is the student's responsibility to have Cambridge scores sent to colleges. If you know where you will be attending college, you may send the transcripts now. If you are still applying, you may want to wait unless the school is requesting them. Your scores are NOT on your regular high school transcripts. The link to the request page is below. If you have any questions, email Elizabeth Lepore at [email protected]

Institutions will receive your transcript within 14 days of your request or, if you select a future series, within 14 days of results release.


You will need the following information:

-East Lee County High School "Centre Number " is UX623 

-Exam Month/Year for each exam series you took an exam

*For example:  June 2023, Nov 2022, June 2022, Nov 2021, June 2021, Nov 2021, June 2020

Cambridge US Transcript Request Service (link)

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