Criminal Justice Academy

The Criminal Justice Academy held a mock trial for an arson case in their Level 3 and Level 4 classes.  The defendant allegedly and intentionally caused a fire to a building on a college campus.  CJ students were split into Defense and Prosecution teams as well as witnesses for the Prosecution and Defense.  After several weeks of preparation, each side presented their case to a jury of the defendant’s peers.  After a grueling two-day trial the case was sent to the jury to decide the fate of the accused.   The Level 4 Prosecution team successfully argued and won a conviction for first degree arson, while the Level 3 Defense team were able to secure a verdict of not guilty for their client.

criminal justice students in a mock trialcriminal justice students in a mock trialcriminal justice students in a mock trial


 East Lee Criminal Justice Academy logo which is black and white law enforcement officer badge with a jaguar in the middle
Criminal Justice Academy

This program offers a sequence of courses that provides coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the Law, Public Safety and Security career cluster.

Course Progression

Criminal Justice Operations 1 - This course is to introduce the student to the history, goals, and career opportunities in the Criminal Justice Profession. It also covers ethics and professionalism, constitutional and criminal laws, court and trial process, juvenile justice system, and the correctional system. Students will also be instructed on personal, interpersonal, and communication skills as well as demonstrate employability skills.

Criminal Justice Operations 2 - This course is to introduce the student to the characteristics and procedures of patrol, complete written reports, and crime prevention programs. Students will also describe guidelines for Use-of-force, perform CPR/ first aid techniques, and procedures to protect from Blood-Borne pathogens. Training for Traffic Control Officer and Parking Enforcement Specialist IAW Florida Statute 316.640 will be accomplished.

Criminal Justice Operations 3 - This course is to introduce the student to the crime scene safety, conducting criminal investigations, conducting forensic processing, and complete property control procedures. Students will conduct a traffic crash investigation completing the proper report forms. Computer skills as well as job-related math skills will be performed. Enhancing the awareness of human diversity will be instructed.

Criminal Justice Operations 4 - This course is focused on the Public Service Aide.

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